국립부경대학교 | 환경·해양대학




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▷ 1992. University of Nevada-Reno (이학박사 - 수리지질학전공)
▷ 1982. 서울대학교 (이학석사 - 지구물리학전공)
▷ 1975. 서울대학교 (이학사 - 지질학전공) 

▷ 1982.09 - 현재: 부경대학교 지구환경과학과 교수
▷ 1995.06 - 현재: 낙동강환경관리청 먹는샘물 환경영향심사위원회 위원
▷ 1995.11- 2004.12: 한국수자원공사 설계자문위원회 위원
▷ 1998.09 - 2002.08: 대한지질공학회 편집위원장/부회장
▷ 1999. 9 ? 2000.02: 영월댐 건설타당성 종합검토 공동조사단 (댐안전 분과) 위원
▷ 2002.01 - 2012.04: 환경관리공단 환경기술평가심의위원회/설계자문위원회 위원
▷ 2002.03 - 2009.10: 부산광역시 지하수관리 위원회 위원/위원장
▷ 2002.06 - 2006.05: 한국지하수토양환경학회 회장/명예회장
▷ 2002.11- 2010. 11: 서울고속도로(주) 자문위원
▷ 2003.09 - 2007.09 : 환경부 중앙환경보전자문위원회 위원
▷ 2004.01 - 2008.05: 건설교통부 중앙지하수관리위원회 위원
▷ 2004.01 - 2008.12: 과학기술부 수자원의 지속적 확보기술사업단 전문위원
▷ 2004.02 - 2005.02: 대통령자문 지속가능발전위원회 물관리정책연구팀 연구원
▷ 2004. 8 ? 2006.08: 부경대학교 도서관장
▷ 2005.05 ? 2014.04: (사)한국지하수지열협회 자문위원
▷ 2005.05 - 2005.11:중ㆍ저준위방사성폐기물처분시설 부지선정위원회 전문위원
▷ 2006.04 - 2006.11:중ㆍ저준위방사성폐기물처분방식 선정위원
▷ 2006. 05 ? 2012.12: 한국물포럼 이사
▷ 2007.03 - 현재: 부산광역시 건설기술심의위원회 위원
▷ 2004.03 - 현재: 부경대학교 환경해양과학기술연구원 지질환경연구소 소장
▷ 2006.06 - 현재: 한국지하수토양환경학회 고문
▷ 2009.09 ? 2011.08: 대한지질학회 전문위원회 위원장
▷ 2012.05 ? 현재: 수변지하수활용고도화 연구단 운영위원
▷ 2014.05-현재: (사)한국지하수지열협회 고문 

수리지질학, 지구통계학, 지열에너지학 

등록된 내용이 없습니다.

(SCI급 논문: 2010 ~ 현재)

1.     Assessment of groundwater quality using GIS and CCMEWQI techniques: a case study of Thiruthuraipoondi cityin Cauvery deltaic region, Tamil Nadu, India, Desalination and Water Treatment, Published online: May 22, 2015. (C.A.) : SCIE

2.     Comprehensive studies of hydrogeochemical processes and quality status of groundwater with tools of cluster, grouping analysis, and fuzzy set method using GIS platform: a case study of Dalcheon in Ulsan City, Korea, 2015, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Published online: March 18, 2015. (C.A.) : SCI

3.     Evaluation of geochemical behavior and heavy metal distribution of sediments: The casestudy of the Tirumalairajan river estuary, southeast coast of India, 2015, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SEDIMENT RESEARCH, 309(1), 1-11. (C.A.) : SCIE

4.     An assessment of selected hydrochemical parameter trendof the Nakdong River water in South Korea, using timeseries analyses and PCA, 2015, Environmental Monitoring And Assessment, 187(1), 1-13. (F.A.) : SCIE

5.     Application of GIS and hydrogeochemistry of groundwaterpollution status of Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu, India, 2014, ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, On Line Press. (C.A.) : SCI

6.     Grain Size Trend and Hydrodynamic Condition of TirumalairajanRiver Estuary, East Coast of India, 2014, Oceanology, 54(4), 532-540. (C.A.) : SCI

7.     Sediment transport patterns, hydrodynamic conditions and clay mineral distributions at Coleroon River Estuary, East Coast of India, 2014, DISASTER ADVANCES, 7(7), 67-76. (C.A.) : SCOPUS

8.     Influence of hydrogeochemical processes and assessmentof suitability for groundwater uses in Busan City, Korea, 2014, Environment, Development and Sustainability, On Line Press. (F.A.) : SCOPUS

9.     A study on seasonal accumulation of metals in Tirumalairajan river estuary and adjacent coastal track, Tamil Nadu, east coast of India, 2014, Indian Journal of Marine Sciences, 43(5), 841-847. (C.A.) : SCIE

10.   A preliminary investigation of hydrogeochemistry, metals and saturation indices of minerals in Nakdong surface water and adjacent deltaic groundwater using WATEQ4F geochemical model, 2014, International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, 7(2), 456-466. (C.A.) : SCOPUS

11.   Assessment of river water quality via environmentric multivariate statistical tools and water quality index: A case study of Nakdong River Basin, Korea, CARPATHIAN JOURNAL OF EARTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES, 9(2), 125-132. (C.A.) : SCIE

12.   Uranium(IV) remobilization under sulfate reducing conditions, 2014, Chemical Geology, 370, 40-48. (공동) : SCI

13.   Assessment of soil erosion probability in Kodaikanal, India using GIS and remote sensing, 2014, DISASTER ADVANCES, 7(2), 36-49.  (공동) : SCIE

14.   A Multivariate statistical approaches on physicochemical characteristics of ground water in and around Nagapattinam district, Cauvery deltaic region of Tamil Nadu, India, 2013, EARTH SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL, 17(2), 97-103. (C.A.) : SCIE

15.   Characterizing Hydraulic Properties by Grain-Size Analysis of Fluvial Deposits Depending on Stream Path in Korea, 2013, Environmental Engineering Research, 18(3), 129-137. (공동) : SCOPUS

16.   Combined analyses of chemometrics and kriging for identifying groundwater contamination sources and origins at the Masan coastal area in Korea, 2012, ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES, 67(5), 1373-1388. (C.A.): SCI

( SCI급 논문: 2010 ~ 현재)

1.     Assessment and Distribution of Metals Contaminationin Groundwater: a Case Study of Busan City, Korea, 2014,Water Quality, Exposure & Health, On Line Press. (C.A.)

2.     Accessing Groundwater quality in Lower Part of Nagapattinam District, Southern

India Using Hydrogeochemistry and GIS Interpolation Techniques, 2014, Applied Water Science, On Line Press. (공동)



(국내논문: 2010 ~ 현재)

1.     Characteristics of South Korea's Geothermal Water in Relation to its Geological and Geochemical Feature, 2014, Soil & Groundwater Environment, 19(2), 25-37. (공동)

2.     The influence of the surrounding groundwater by groundwater discharge from the subway tunnel at Suyeong District, Busan City, 2012, Soil & Groundwater Environment, 17(2), 28-36. (F.A.)

3.     Interpolation of Missing Data in Groundwater-Level Distributions with Peak Type Variations at a National Groundwater Monitoring Well, 2011, J. Geological Society of Korea, 47(3), 277-288. (F.A.)

4.     Determination of Evapotranspiration in Miryang City of Gyeongnam Province Using ASCE-ET in Combition with Land Use Ratio, 2011, J. Geological Society of Korea, 47(3), 289-298. (F.A.)

5.     Application of multivariate statistical analysis for the evaluation of groundwater contamination characteristics at the Suyeong-gu of Busan City, 2011, Korea, J. Geological Society of Korea, 47(1), 45-58. (F.A.)

6.     A study on groundwater flow with the characteristics of spatyial aquifer distribution and faults development at Ulsan Metropolitan City, 2011, J. Geological Society of Korea, 47(1), 59-71. (C.A.)

7.     Groundwater obstructions and countermeasures for groundwater discharge from subway in Seoul, Korea, 2010, J. Geological Society of Korea, 46(1), 61-72. (F.A.)


1.     김병우김경수김건영고용권정상용, 2013, 이중패커 구간에서 진공 채수기를 이용한 순간충격시험 장치 및 방법출원(2011. 12. 30) 및 등록(2013. 5.1; 등록번호 10-1261819). (공동)

2.     Chung, S.Y., Kang, D.H., Kim, B.W., Kim, T.H., Kim, T.K., Assessment technique for the probability of groundwater contamination using indicator kriging, National Patent Registration (No. 10-1122175), 2012. 02. 23. (F.A.)

3.     Chung, S.Y., Kang, D.H., Kim, B.W., Kim, T.H., Kim, T.K., Assessment technique for the probability of groundwater contamination using indicator kriging, National Patent Application (No. 2009-0023973), 2009. 03. 20. (F.A.)

4.     Chung, S.Y., Kang, D.H., Kim, B.W., Kim, T.H., Kim, D.S., The test for the longitudinal dispersivity estimation of heavy metal contaminants in rock aquifers, National Patent Application (No. 10-2008-0064166), 2008. 07. 03. (F.A.)



1.     지구환경과학, 2012, 시그마프레스 (공저)

2.     암반의 조사와 적용, 2004, ()대한지질공학회 (공저)

3.     지질공학원론, 1999, 교학연구사 (공저)

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