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해양천연물화학, 해양유기화학

[1] Lee, D.-H.*., J.-H.,Kim, Y.M. Lee, G. Bayon, D. Kim, Y. J. Joe, X. Wang, K.-H. Shin, Y.K. Jin (2022). Metalloenzyme signatures in authigenic carbonates from the Chukchi Borderlands in the western Arctic Ocean. Scientific Reports 12, 16597.


[2] Kim, C., S., S-H. Kim, W.C Lee, D.-H. Lee** (2022). Spatial variability of water quality and sedimentary organic matter during winter season in coastal aquaculture zone of Korea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 182, 113991.


[3] Koo, H.J., J.-K.,Jang, D.-H. Lee, H.G. Cho (2022). Authigenic gypsum precipitation in the ARAON Mounds, East Siberian Sea. Minerals 12, 983.


[4] Kim, D., J.-H.,Kim, T. Tesi, S. Kang, A. Nogarotto, K. Park, D.-H. Lee, Y.K. Jin, K.-H. Shin, S.-I, Nam (2022). Changes in the burial efficiency and composition of terrestrial organic carbon along the Mackenzie Trough in the Beaufort Sea. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science 275, 107997.


[5] Go, Y.-S., E.-J.,Won, S.-H., Kim, D.-H. Lee, J.-H. Kang, K.-H. Shin (2022). Stepwise Approach for Tracing the Geographical Origins of the Manila Clam Ruditapes philippinarum Using Dual-Element Isotopes and Carbon Isotopes of Fatty Acids. Foods 11, 1965.


[6] Kim, J.-H., M.-H., Park, D.-H. Lee, H. Minami, Y.K. Jin, A. Hachikubo, J. Hur, J.-S. Ryu, M-.H. Kang, K. Jang, M. Kida, Y. Seo, M. Chen, J.K. Hong, Y, Song, S, Park (2022). Impact of High Methane Flux on the Properties of Pore Fluid and Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonate in the ARAON Mounds, Chukchi Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 9, 944841.


[7] Lee, D.-H.* S.-H., Kim, J. Choi, N.-K., Kang, I. G. Hwang, K.-H. Shin (2022). Geochemical signatures of organic matter associated with gas generation in the Pohang Basin, South Korea. Geosciences Journal 1-13.


[8] Lee, D.-H.* S.-H., Kim, E.-J., Won, M.-S., Kim, J. Hur, K.-H. Shin (2021). Integrated approach for quantitative estimation of particulate organic carbon sources in a complex river system. Water Research 199, 117194.


[9] Lee, D.-H.* J.-H., Kim, Y.M. Lee, J.-H., Kim, Y.K. Jin, C.Paull, J-.S. Ryu, K.-H. Shin (2021). Geochemical and microbial signatures of siboglinid tubeworm habitats at an active mud volcano in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 656171.


[10] Lee, D.-H.* J.-H., Kim, K.-H. Shin (2021). Application of column chromatography for accurate determination of the carbon isotopic compositions of n-alkanes in diverse environmental samples. Ocean Science Journal 56


[11] Won, E.-J., H.-Y., Yun, D.-H. Lee, K.-H. Shin (2021). Application of compound-specic isotope analysis in environmental forensic and strategic management avenue for pesticide residues. Molecules 26, 4412.


[12] Kim, J.-H., W.-L., Hong, M. Torres, J-.S. Ryu, M.-H. Kang, D. Han, S-.I. Nam, J. Hur, D-.C. Koh, F. Niessen, D.-H. Lee, K, Jang, J. W.B. Rae, M. Chen (2021). A Pulse of Meteoric Subsurface Fluid Discharging Into the Chukchi Sea During the Early Holocene Thermal Maximum (EHTM). Geochemisty, Geophysics, Geosystems e2021GC009750.


[13] Yun, H.Y. D.-H. Lee, H. Choi, E. Won, K.-H. Shin (2020). Evaluation of the quantity and the carbon isotopic composition of amino acids by using diverse sample residues after lipid extraction. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 412, 4383-4391.


[14] Kim, J. H. Hachikubo, A., M. Kida., H. Minami, D.-H. Lee, Y. K. Jin, J.-S. Ryu, Y. M. Lee, J. Hur, M.H. Park, Y.G. Kim, M.H. Kang, S. Park, M. Chen, S.G. Kang, S, Kim (2020). Upwarding gas source and postgenetic processes in the shallow sediments from the ARAON Mounds, Chukchi Sea. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 76, 103223.


[15] Han, H., G. Kim, K.-H. Shin, D.-H. Lee (2020). Significant seasonal changes in optical properties of brown carbon in the mid-latitude atmosphere. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 20,2709-2718 .


[16] Lee, D.-H.*, Y.M. Lee, J.-H., Kim, Y.K. Jin, C. Paull, H. Niemann, J.H. Kim, K.-H. Shin (2019). Discriminative biogeochemical signatures of methanotrophs in diferent chemosynthetic habitats at an active mud volcano in the canadian Beaufort Sea. Scientific Reports 9, 17592.


[17] Lee, Y.M. H.-J., Noh, D.-H. Lee, J-H, Kim, Y.K. Jin, C. Paull (2019). Bacterial endosymbiont of Oligobrachia sp. (Frenulata) from an active mud volcano in the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Polar Biology 42, 2305-2312.


[18] Lee, D.-H.*, J.-H., Kim, Y.M. Lee, Y.K. Jin, C. Paull, K.-H. Shin (2019). Chemosynthetic bacterial signatures in frenulata tubeworm (Oligobrachia sp.) in an active mud volcano of the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 628, 95-104.


[19] Wang, X., G. Bayon, J.-H. Kim, D.-H. Lee, D. Kim, B. Gu?guen, M.-L., Rouget, J.-A., Barrat, L. Toffin, D. Feng (2019). Trace element systematics in cold seep carbonates and associated lipid compounds. Chemical Geology 528, 119277.


[20] Lee, D.-H.*, H.-B. Choi, E.-J. Won, M. Derrien, J. Hur, K.-H. Shin (2019). Evaluation of alkane indexes for quantifying organic source from end member mixing experiments based on soil and algae. Ecological indicator 107, 105574.


[21] Lee, D.-H.*, H. Kim, A. Go, M. Park, S. Choi, S. In, E. Kim, H. Lee, E, Han, K.-H. Shin (2019). Complementary approach for accurate determination of carbon isotopic compositions in γ-hydroxybutyric acid using gas chromatography-combustion-isotope ratio mass spectrometry. Rapid communications in mass spectrometry 33, 1434-1439.


[22] Kim, H., D.-H. Lee*, A. Go, M. Park, S. Choi, S. In, E. Kim, H. Lee, K.-H. Shin, E. Han (2019). Differentiation of endogenous and exogenous γ-Hydroxybutyrate in rat and human urine by GC/C/IRMS. International Jounal of Legal Medicine 1-10.


[23] Lee, D.-H.*, J.-H. Kim, Y.M. Lee, A. Stadnitskaia, Y.K. Jin, H. Niemann, Y.-G. Kim, K.-H. Shin (2018). Biogeochemical evidence of anaerobic methane oxidation on active submarine mud volcanoes on the continental slope of the Canadian Beaufort Sea. Biogeosciences 15:7419-7433.


[24] Kim, B.K., H.M. Joo, B. Lee, D.-H. Lee, I.Y. Ahn, S.Y. Ha (2018) Physiological characteristics and related biochemical parameters of snow algae from King George Island, Antarctica. Ocean Science Journal. 53, 1-10.


[25] Lee, J.H., K.S. Jung, D.-H. Lee, K.S. Park, H.J. Woo (2018) Elemental (C/N ratios) isotope compositions (δ13CTOC and δ15NTN) of surface sediments from the barrier islands in the Nakdong River estuary, South Korea. Jounal of Coastal Research 85, 36-40.


[26] Lee, J.H., H.J. Woo, S.-.K. Son, M. Kim, D.-H. Lee, U. Tsunogai, K.S. Jung (2017) Flux and distribution of methane (CH4) in the Gunsan Basin of the southeastern Yellow Sea, off the Western Korea. Jounal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 53, 457-466.


[27] Lee, J.H., H.J. Woo, K.S. Jung, J.W. Kang, J.U. Choi, E.J. Joeng, K.S. Park, D.-H. Lee** (2017) Spatial distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon and polychlorinated biphenyl sources in the Nakdong River Estuary, South Korea. Jounal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 52, 1173-1183.


[28] Kim, J.-H., D.-H. Lee., S.-H. Yoon., K.S. Jung., B. Choi, K.-H. Shin (2017). Contribution of petroleum-derived organic carbon to sedimentary organic carbon pool in the eastern Yellow Sea (the northwestern Pacific). Chemosphere 168, 1389-1399.


[29] Lee, D-H.*, J.H. Kim., J.J. Bark, H.-Y. Jo, J.-H. Hyun, K.-H. Shin (2013). Geochemical signature related to lipid biomarkers of ANMEs at the hydrate-bearing sediments in the Ulleung Basin, the East Sea (Sea of Japan). Marine and Petroleum Geology 47, 125-135.

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