국립부경대학교 | 환경·해양대학




- 1994.3-1999.2: 서울대학교(이학사,대기과학)

- 1999.3-2001.2: 서울대학교(석사, 지구환경과학부)

- 2001.3-2006.2: 서울대학교(박사, 지구환경과학부)

- 2006.3.1-2007.12.31 - 서울대 자연과학대학 기초과학 연수연구원으로 기후변화 담당

- 2008.1.1-5.31 - 연세대 지구환경과학부 대기환경연구소 연구원으로 기후변화, 고기후 역학 담당

- 2008.6.1-2008.12.14 - 연세대 지구환경과학부 BK21 지구대기천문 사업단 연구원으로 기후변화, 고기후 역학 담당

-2008.12.15.-2018.8 - 해양연구원 부설 극지연구소 책임연구원으로 기후변화 모델링 담당

-2010.8 ~현재 - 기상청 정책자문위원으로 기상청 정책 결정 조언 담당

-2018.9-현재 - 부경대학교 환경해양대학 조교수로 극한기상/이상기후 분석/예측/남북극 기후변화 분석/예측 담당

-남북극 기후변화 분석/예측

-중위도 극한기상/이상기후 분석/예측

-지구시스템 상호작용 모델링

 기상예보 및 실습, 기상예보 및 실습, 기후역학, 기후학 및 연습

1. Publications

Five most significant publications among total 81 publications (2018. 9)

Kim, B.-M. et al. (2017). Major cause of unprecedented Arctic warming. Scientific Reports5, 4646.


Kug, J.-S., Jeong, J.-H., Jang, Y.-S., Kim, B.-M., Folland, C. K., Min, S.-K., & Son, S.-W. (2015). Two distinct influences of Arctic warming on cold winters over North America and East Asia. Nature Geoscience8(10), 759762. http://doi.org/10.1038/ngeo2517


Kim, B.-M., Son, S.-W., Min, S.-K., Jeong, J.-H., Kim, S.-J., Zhang, X., … Yoon, J.-H. (2014). Weakening of the stratospheric polar vortex by Arctic sea-ice loss. Nature Communications5, 4646. http://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms5646


Kim, B.-M., & An, S.-I. (2011). Understanding ENSO Regime Behavior upon an Increase in the Warm-Pool Temperature Using a Simple ENSO Model. Journal of Climate24(5), 14381450. http://doi.org/10.1175/2010JCLI3635.1


Kim, B. M., Lim, G. H., & Kim, K. Y. (2006). A new look at the midlatitude-MJO teleconnection in the northern hemisphere winter. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society132(615), 485503. http://doi.org/Doi 10.1256/Qj.04.87


2. Professional Activities


Managing journal editor of ‘The Atmosphere’ of Korea Meteorological Society (2011-2015)


Member of advised board of Korea Meteorological Administration climate prediction division (2011-present)


Member of Marine Working Group of Arctic Science Summit (2012-present) 

Advisory scientific committee of Korea Meteorological Administration 

Frequent reviewers for AGU, AMS, Nature Climate Change/Geoscience, RMetS Journals
(More than 10 papers reviewed per year)


3. Teaching Experiences


1. Climate Dynamics Lecture (2018)

(기상청 인재개발과예보관 대상 1학기 수업)


2. Synoptic Meteorology Lectures (2018)



3. Lecturer of School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University
(Title: Dynamic Meteorology, fall semester of 2015)


4. Lecturer of Environmental engineering school of Ewha Woman’s University

(Title: Dynamic Meteorology, fall semester of 2014)


*English lecture provided for this class due to the students attended from Malaysia and Iran.


5. Lecturer of Summer school of Asia-Pacific Climate Center
(Title: Using S2S prediction to cope with extreme hydrological events in developing countries, August 2015)


*English lecture provided for this lecture due to more than 20 audiences from Asian developing countries.


6. Lecturer of Marine Environmental Sciences, Han-yang National University

(Title: Atmospheric Dynamics, spring semester of 2012)


7. Lecturer of School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University

(Title: Atmospheric Models: Implementation and interpretation, fall semester of 2006 and 2008)

극지기후모델링 연구실